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– 1 pound fresh salmon fillet
– 1 medium beet, peeled and grated
– 1 tablespoon kosher salt
– 2 tablespoons sugar
– 1 teaspoon black pepper
– Zest of 1 lemon
– 2 tablespoons fresh dill, chopped


1. In a medium bowl, combine the grated beet, kosher salt, sugar, black pepper, lemon zest, and fresh dill. Mix well to combine.

2. Lay out a large piece of plastic wrap on a flat surface. Place half of the beet mixture on the plastic wrap in the shape of the salmon fillet.

3. Place the salmon fillet on top of the beet mixture, skin-side down. Cover the salmon with the remaining beet mixture, making sure it is evenly coated on all sides.

4. Wrap the plastic wrap tightly around the salmon, creating a package. Place the wrapped salmon on a baking sheet or dish.

5. Place a heavy object, such as a cast iron skillet or cans, on top of the salmon to weigh it down. This will help the cure penetrate the fish.

6. Refrigerate the salmon for 24-48 hours, flipping it over halfway through the curing process.

7. After the desired curing time, unwrap the salmon and rinse it under cold water to remove the excess beet mixture. Pat the salmon dry with paper towels.

8. Slice the beet-cured salmon thinly and serve on a platter. It can be enjoyed on its own as an appetizer or used in salads, sandwiches, or other dishes.

Note: The curing time can vary depending on the thickness of the salmon fillet. Thinner fillets may be ready in 24 hours, while thicker ones may require closer to 48 hours. Adjust the curing time accordingly.


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