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1. Start by dusting high surfaces first, such as ceiling fans, light fixtures, and the tops of cabinets and shelves. Use a microfiber duster or a soft cloth to collect the dust.

2. Remove all items from shelves, tables, and surfaces so you can thoroughly dust them. Wipe the surfaces with a microfiber cloth or a damp cloth with a small amount of mild cleanser if needed.

3. Vacuum upholstery, curtains, and drapes using an upholstery attachment. Be sure to get into the crevices and corners where dust tends to accumulate.

4. Dust and vacuum all surfaces, including window sills, baseboards, and corners of rooms. Use the vacuum’s attachments or a handheld vacuum cleaner for hard-to-reach areas.

5. Wash or replace bedding regularly. Dust mites and their droppings can accumulate in bedding, so it’s important to clean them regularly to reduce dust in the home.

6. Clean and vacuum floors regularly. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap dust particles effectively. Consider using a microfiber mop or cloth to trap dust on hard floors.

7. Clean air vents and filters regularly. Dust can accumulate in air vents, which then gets recirculated throughout the house. Clean these vents and replace filters as recommended by the manufacturer.

8. Consider using air purifiers or dehumidifiers to improve air quality and reduce dust in your home. These devices can help filter out airborne particles and decrease humidity levels, making it harder for dust to settle.

9. Keep windows closed or use window screens to prevent dust from entering your home. Regularly clean window sills and tracks.

10. Encourage a “no shoes” policy inside your home to minimize the amount of dirt and dust being brought indoors. Provide a designated area for shoes right by the entrance.

11. Control clutter and regularly declutter your home. The more objects and surfaces you have, the more dust can accumulate. Keep things organized and regularly clean out unnecessary items.

12. Consider using hypoallergenic or dust-resistant bedding, upholstery, and curtains to reduce the potential for dust accumulation.

Remember that dust is inevitable, but by following these steps regularly, you can significantly reduce the amount of dust and improve the overall air quality in your home.


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