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No, you should not use a vacuum cleaner to clean up broken glass. Vacuum cleaners are not designed to handle sharp or fragile objects like glass, and attempting to vacuum broken glass can be dangerous, as it can damage the vacuum cleaner or cause injury to the person operating it.

Instead, follow these steps to safely handle and clean up broken glass:

1. Put on protective gloves and closed-toe shoes to prevent any injuries.

2. Carefully examine the area and identify any larger pieces of glass. Use tongs or pliers to pick up these larger fragments and place them in a sturdy container.

3. For smaller glass shards that cannot be easily picked up with your hands, use pieces of bread or damp paper towels. Press the bread or paper towel onto the glass pieces to pick them up. Discard the bread or paper towels with the glass fragments in a sealed bag or container.

4. Use a broom and dustpan to sweep up any remaining smaller glass pieces. Be careful to avoid sweeping too forcefully, as this may scatter the glass. Sweep the glass into a dustpan and empty it into a separate bag or container.

5. After cleaning up the larger and smaller glass pieces, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe the surrounding area to ensure no small glass particles are left.

6. Dispose of all the glass fragments and cleaning materials safely. Double bag the broken glass and any used paper towels, and seal the bags tightly. Place the bags in a sturdy trash container or consult your local waste management guidelines for the correct disposal method for broken glass.

Remember to exercise caution while cleaning up broken glass to prevent any injuries or accidents.


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